ERDYN partner of SOTERIA Horizon 2020 project

The SOTERIA project « uSer-friendly digiTal sEcured peRsonal data and prIvacy platform », funded under Horizon 2020 Programme, started in October 2021, and will last for 36 months.

Coordinated by ARIADNEXT, a French SME specialised in digital identity, the project gathers 13 partners from 8 countries, including 8 academics, 2 associations, 3 SMEs and one company.

Protect citizens’ security, privacy, and personal data

Digital content is a significant driver of the explosive development of a “new technological revolution based on networks”.

The number of internet users is constantly growing, with more than 4.5 billion users worldwide in April 2020. Information and Communication Technologies have enabled a large variety of e-services, such as Healthcare, Commerce and Learning. These multiple services have eased citizens day-to-day life, giving them access to many services 24/7 from home.

The ambition of SOTERIA is to develop a user-driven and user-centric designed revolutionary tool, uniquely combining, in a user-friendly manner, a high-level identification tool with a decentralised secured data storage tool, to enable all citizens, whatever their gender, age or ICT skills, to fully protect and control their personal data while also gaining enhanced awareness on potential privacy risks.

Erdyn is partner of the project

Erdyn is supporting the coordinator and all partners in the management of the project. This includes internal communication and coordination, organisation of progress meetings, follow-up of the actions and financial aspects, support for the reporting and daily management actions. Erdyn had also supported the coordinator and the consortium in the set-up of the proposal.

For more information on the project, you can consult the website of SOTERIA and contact us (Bénédicte CHARRIN at

2022-01-31T08:37:02+01:00Monday 31 January 2022|Financing, Information Technology and Communication, Innovation|

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