ERDYN consolidates its leader position in the European Defence Fund (EDF) project set-up and management !

The results of the 2023 European Defence Fund (EDF) calls for projects were published by the European Commission on Thursday, May 16.

This year, five projects supported by Erdyn have been selected for funding. All these projects will receive financial support from the European Union (and in some cases co-funding from the Member States).

The five projects focused on the following topics:

  • Laser-based directed energy weapons (EDF-2023-RA-DIS-L-DEW)
  • Optronics detector technologies (EDF-2023-RA-SENS-OPTD)
  • Long-range indirect fire support capabilities for precision and high efficiency strikes (EDF-2023-DA-GROUND-IFS)
  • Innovative propulsion systems for defence applications (EDF-2023-RA-SI-ENERENV-IPS)
  • Main battle tank platform system (EDF-2023-DA-GROUND-MBT)

Since 2018, our teams have been supporting the setup of European projects in the defence sector. The success rate of proposals supported by Erdyn stands at 77% for all PADR, EDIDP and EDF funds, and 76% for the EDF since the beginning of the program.

EDF 2023: Key figures

The results of the EDF 2023 calls for projects were published on May 16, 2023:

  • Of the 236 proposals received, the European Commission will bring financial support to 54.
  • The total grant awarded to these 54 projects is 1.03 billion euros.
  • As in previous calls, SMEs play an important role in the results of EDF 2023. 42% of the selected entities are SMEs, and 18% of the total funding is earmarked for them.
  • Erdyn supported 10% of the projects selected in 2023. With over 117 million euros in total funding, the five projects supported by Erdyn involve 127 legal entities from all EU Member States and Norway.


  • New calls for proposals in 2024

The 2024 calls for proposals of the programme are already available on the Funding & Tenders website. They will open on June 20, with a submission deadline of November 5.

If you would like to find out more about the European Defence Fund, or discuss the potential of this funding for your projects, do not wait and contact our Europe team at !

2024-05-22T15:11:44+02:00Wednesday 22 May 2024|Defence, Financing, Innovation|

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