


Erdyn covers most topics related to the field of cosmetics: new extracts, final products, as well as in vitro tests…

The assignments of Erdyn’s cosmetics team cover from the ingredient producer to the final formulator:

  • Organic ingredients and sources for cosmetics
  • Cosmetic technologies and services: vectoring of active ingredients, efficacy tests, toxicity tests,…

But also the new challenges in cosmetics: the valorization of new ingredients, personalization, biological origin, new technological and environment-friendly methods…



Complete landscape of the French cosmetics market: segmentation, identification of the providers, distribution, importat…


Strategic support for reflection on the S3 strategy of La Réunion on the “Natural Extracts” part: pharmacy, nutraceutical, agri-food and cosmetics sectors.


Market research on marine bacteria extracts utilization in the filed of cosmetics


Positioning aid in the cosmetics sector for donkey’s milk based products.


Market research and assessment of a project aiming to valorize a new source of aromatic plant used in fine perfumery.


Valorization study of components extracted from micro-algae in the field of cosmetics.


Competitive watch on application of spirulina in the field of cosmetics

European project

A European project in which Erdyn is a partner in the market research and valorization part for microalgae extracts on the markets: nutraceuticals, cosmetics, animal and human nutrition.

Société de marketing olfactif

Étude de marché sur différents secteurs dont la cosmétique.

Organisme d’étude international

Étude socio-économique sur les produits cosmétiques et para-médicaux consommés par les baby-boomer.


Étude technico-économique pour solution de valorisation de déchets issus de bioraffineries pour l’alimentation animale, la nutraceutique et la cosmétique.


Expertise d’une startup développant un dispositif d’imagerie numérique corporel 3D au service du fitness et de la chirurgie esthétique.


Étude de marketing et business development pour une entreprise de nanoencapsulation de principes actifs, en santé et cosmétique.


Études de marché sur l’acide hyaluronique et sur le collagène.


Market study of fucoidan, for the cosmetic and nutraceutical markets.


Market study for a technology of exopolysaccharides from microalgae with anti-aging activities for cosmetic applications.

Multinational company

State of the art of packaging and formulation compatibility tests.

Multinational company

Search for an alternative solution to aluminum salts for antiperspirants.


Market study of a test to measure the energetic state of cells for applications in phytosanitary, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical actives.

Public research organization

Business intelligence study for biosourced anti-UV for cosmetic applications.

Multinational company

Identification of opportunities in the field of cosmetics, products to protect or repair the skin.

Cosmetic company

Analysis of the trends and actions of the main competitors on the client’s areas of interest, in the field of cosmetics.