EDIDP 2020 results: 100 % of success rate achieved by Erdyn on European defence projects

Erdyn support for EDIDP projects in 2020: 100% of success rate

In 2020, Erdyn supported the set-up of 4 EDIDP (European Defence Industrial Development Programme) proposals on innovative defence solutions, space and ground-based precision strikes. These 4 projects have been selected by the European Commission for funding.

Erdyn has been supporting the set-up of European defence projects since 2017, with a success rate of 77% for the EDIDP / PADR projects.

In 2020, 5 experts from Erdyn have been referenced by Bpifrance within the framework of DIAG Defense Europe programme.

Key figures about EDIDP

The results of the EDIDP 2020 calls were published on June 30th and demonstrated a growing interest for innovative collaborative defence projects:

  • 63 proposals were received by the European Commission and 26 projects have been selected for funding, representing a success rate of around 41% for 2020. Erdyn supported 15% of the 26 selected projects.
  • 20 projects include at least one French partner and 7 projects are coordinated by French entities (i.e. 27% of the winning projects).
  • Erdyn has supported 43% of the winning projects coordinated by French entities and 33% of the winning projects coordinated by Spanish entities.

New calls for proposals in 2021 under the European Defence Fund

The European Defence Fund was launched by DG DEFIS at the end of June. The 2021 calls for proposals are available on the Funding and Tender website. They will officially open in September and the deadline is foreseen for December 9th.

If you would like to have more information about the European Defence Fund or to discuss about your projects, do not hesitate to contact our experts.

Pinar Temel \ Manager \ pinar.temel@erdyn.fr

2021-07-06T10:34:02+02:00Monday 5 July 2021|Innovation, Research|

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