Trends in the health and nutrition industry – A look back at Vitafoods Europe 2024

2024-05-28T08:58:44+02:00Tuesday 28 May 2024|Uncategorized|

  Last week, our life sciences team attended Vitafoods, the most popular trade show in the nutraceutical industry. Several companies unveiled their innovations and new products at the event. In this article, we present some of the trends and innovative companies that stood out at the show.   Trends: Collagen New collagen-based innovations were presented, ...

The European Commission’s effort against aircraft noise and a growing contribution from Erdyn

2023-01-05T09:56:23+01:00Wednesday 4 January 2023|Innovation, Uncategorized|

CINEA is the European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and the Environment (CINEA). CINEA is today a major player in the implementation of the European Green Deal. It is involved in the implementation of several European programs and funds (European Interconnection Facility (EIF), Horizon Europe, Innovation Fund (IF), LIFE, Renewable Energy Financing Facility, Just ...


2022-11-10T11:17:55+01:00Thursday 10 November 2022|Uncategorized|

NEXTAIR PROJECT KICK-OFF MEETING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE GREEN AIRCRAFT DESIGN TECHNOLOGIES The path to green aviation The civil aviation sector has reached a historical turning point. Nowadays, the sector is facing two unavoidable challenges: Air traffic continues to grow at a staggering rate. It was doubling every 15 years before the advent ...

Digital Europe : une deuxième salve d’appels à projets pour soutenir la numérisation

2022-03-25T08:18:56+01:00Friday 25 March 2022|Uncategorized|

Après un premier lot d’appels à projets publiés en Novembre 2021, le programme Digital Europe vient de dévoiler de nouvelles opportunités de financement dans le domaine du numérique. Présentation du programme La double transition vers une économie verte et numérique est le grand défi de l’Europe. Grâce au pacte vert pour l’Europe (ou ...

Towards the Augmented Consultant

2022-01-03T16:26:29+01:00Monday 3 January 2022|Uncategorized|

When carrying out studies for our clients, Erdyn's consultants are required to analyse and synthesise information contained, in particular, in the scientific literature. In general, the purpose of reading a scientific publication is to clarify questions and provide specific answers to a need for information, but the considerable wealth of knowledge present in the ...