European Project « CONCERTO » selected for funding under Clean Sky 2 programme !

A new European project supported by Erdyn has been selected for funding.

ERDYN has supported ONERA and its partners in building CONCERTO project under the framework of Clean Sky 2 programme.

CONCERTO will develop a new computational tool enabling, in multiple operating conditions, the noise prediction of lateral rotors of various dimensions, installed on the future RACER (Rapid And Cost Efficient Rotorcraft) demonstrator, and equip the topic leader with this necessary tool to siginifcantly improve the noise performance of this rotorcraft. It will also contribute to the maturation and future commercialization of this new aircraft.

For more information, contact Pinar Temel, our senior consultant specialized in European projects.

2017-11-06T15:23:26+01:00lundi 6 novembre 2017|Building and public works, Transportation|

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