Nearly two centuries after its invention, is the fuel cell ready to take flight?

2019-09-13T16:39:55+02:00mardi 17 septembre 2019|Chimie - Matériaux - Procédés, Energie, Environnement, Transports|

Soon two centuries after the first prototypes, a boom is finally possible for fuel cells. The essential energy transition is a fertile ground for the development of this clean and silent technology. Challenges remain, but manufacturers such as Safran, Faurecia and Airbus are already investing to maximize the potential of this technology, with ...

The rise of offshore wind power

2019-09-10T17:10:33+02:00mardi 10 septembre 2019|Energie|

Electricity generation from wind energy has been booming in recent years, driven by the energy transition. While onshore has already experienced some growth for many years now, the complexity of offshore installations has so far been a major drag on offshore projects. But the development and diffusion of new technologies are continually reducing ...

L’essor de l’éolien offshore

2019-09-10T17:11:00+02:00mardi 10 septembre 2019|Energie|

La production d’électricité à partir de l’énergie éolienne est en plein essor ces dernières années, poussée par la transition énergétique. Si l’onshore connait déjà une croissance certaine depuis de nombreuses années maintenant, la complexité des installations en mer a jusqu’ici nettement freiné les projets offshore. Mais le développement et la diffusion de nouvelles ...

Erdyn, partenaire du projet européen TALOS

2019-09-04T11:40:48+02:00mercredi 4 septembre 2019|Financement, Non classifié(e)|

Erdyn est partenaire du projets européen TALOS (Tactical Advanced Laser Optical System), financé par l’Agence Européenne de Défense dans le cadre de la PADR (Preparatory Action for Defence Research) Le projet TALOS va permettre de démontrer la disponibilité des technologies critiques de l’arme laser à haute énergie, jetant ainsi les bases du ...

Erdyn, partner of the European project TALOS

2019-09-04T11:49:52+02:00mercredi 4 septembre 2019|Financement|

Erdyn is one of the partners of the European project TALOS (Tactical Advanced Laser Optical System), funded by the European Defence Agency in the framework of the PADR (Preparatory Action for Defence Research) The TALOS project will develop and demonstrate some of the most critical Laser Directed Energy Weapon (LDEW) technologies paving ...