The INVENTOR project « INnoVative DEsign of INstalled Airframe ComponenTs For Aircraft NOise Reduction », funded under Horizon 2020 Programme, started in May 2020 and will last for 48 months.
Coordinated by French Aerospace Lab ONERA, INVENTOR gathers 16 partners from 7 countries, including 3 industrial stakeholders, 6 universities, 5 research centers and 2 SMEs.

Decrease the external noise from business jet and short-medium range transport aircraft
Mitigating aircraft noise on both modern and future aircraft is still a significant challenge. Aircraft noise results from the combination of engine noise, significantly reduced after decades of intensive research, and airframe noise, mostly generated by landing gears (LGs) and high-lift devices (HLDs). Strong integration constraints imposed by other considerations than acoustics and our limited knowledge of the complex flow physics mechanisms generating airframe noise have so far limited the development of noise reduction technologies (NRTs) on airframe components such as LGs and HLDs. Direct design of low-noise airframe components based on multi-disciplinary criteria (including acoustics), remains a challenge as well.
The primary goal of INVENTOR is to better understand the physics of noise generated by landing gears and high-lift devices, thanks to an intensive use of advanced numerical methods. The ultimate goal is to decrease the external noise from business jet and short-medium range transport aircraft through the development of innovative low-noise installed landing gears and high-lift components as well as new promising noise reduction technologies, thus contributing to the achievement of the Flightpath 2050 goals pursued by ACARE SRIA on aviation noise, i.e. to reduce perceived noise emission of flying aircraft by 65%.
Erdyn is partner of the project
Erdyn is supporting the coordinator and all partners in the management of the project. This includes internal communication and coordination, organization of progress meetings, follow-up of the actions and financial aspects, support for the reporting and daily management actions. Erdyn had also supported the coordinator and the consortium in the set-up of the proposal.
For more information on the project, you can consult the website of INVENTOR and contact us.
For questions on our support for European projects, contact our expert Pinar TEMEL at +33 9 70 40 50 62,