European project « ANIMA » selected for funding under Horizon 2020 Transport Work programme

European project ANIMA « Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches » has been selected for funding under the call « Mobility for Growth » of the Horizon 2020 programme. ANIMA’s kick-off meeting took place on the 25th and 26th of October in Palaiseau.

Twenty-two partners from eleven countries will collaborate during the next four years in order to develop new methodologies and tools to mitigate the impact of aviation noise on quality of life residents near airport. Coordinated by ONERA, ANIMA « Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches » has a total budget of €7.5 million and builds on a multidisciplinary consortium (universities, aircraft manufacturers, airports, associations of regional authorities, research centers).

Erdyn supported ANIMA consortium in the proposal set-up and will also assist the coordinator in the project management during 4 years of the project.

For more information, contact Pinar Temel, our European Project manager.

 *“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769627”.

2017-12-11T11:16:42+01:00lundi 11 décembre 2017|Non classé|

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