ANIMA project on course towards better noise management in airport areas

The latest ANIMA project meeting in Rome (23-27 September) saw partners working on global coordination of aviation noise research together with experts from around Europe, as well as on the refinement of several noise management tools for both local communities and aviation actors. Partners are working on making the project results available in a user-friendly and comprehensive format.
To find out more about the latest ANIMA results and what is planned next, click here.
In its efforts to enhance coherence and efficiency of aviation noise research in Europe, ANIMA project hosts every year an Aviation Noise Research Network Meeting. This event gathers experts from around the world and it is an opportunity to showcase national, European and international research efforts streamlined within the European Research Roadmap on Aviation noise.
For the outcomes of this year’s Aviation Noise Research Network Meeting, click here.
Moreover, in conjunction with the ANIMA meetings, the 23rd workshop of the Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of the CEAS took place. To know more about the workshop, click here.
For more information on the project, contact Pinar TEMEL, manager of our business unit Europe \ +33 6 31 52 53 22 \

2019-10-10T13:15:50+02:00jeudi 10 octobre 2019|Environment, Environnement, Transportation, Transports|

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