1st ANIMA Technical Review and Project Management Meeting: motivation is the keyword, as progress is visible

Bucharest, 16 March 2018 – Erdyn participated to the ANIMA project meeting which took place in Bucharest between 12-15 March. The Technical Review and Project Management Meeting is a biannual joint meeting which gathers all project partners in order to assess the state of play of the work being carried out. The 1st technical meeting took place on 13-14 March and was kindly hosted by the ANIMA partner COMOTI (Romanian Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines). Additionally, several side meetings were organised by the work package leaders, showing that the ANIMA consortium works together along with a shared vision towards successful project completion.

The first Technical Review and Project Management Meeting, organised by the Romanian partner COMOTI, gave the chance for the consortium to display their efforts. The attendees enjoyed welcome addresses given by Prof. Pleter, Dean of the Aerospace Engineering Faculty at University Politechnica, Valentin Silivestru, Director General of COMOTI and Catalin Nae, Chairman of INCAS and current chairman of EREA. Each work package presented updates on its activities, showed visible progress on its tasks and initiated further reflection on the next steps to be taken in order to ensure that the project’s objectives are reached. Besides the very fruitful project meeting, the technical work packages took the opportunity to gather for the coordination of their activities. There were productive meetings where different topics were approached, amongst which the development of the noise management toolsets, community engagement methods, investigation of noise reduction and mitigation strategies and the harmonisation of the project’s communication.

Moreover, on 15 March, the Association of Romanian Airports joined the ANIMA consortium. Several airports from Romania were present, such as Cluj Airport, Suceava Airport, Satu Mare Airport and others. They were introduced to the project, ensuring the transferability of the project outcomes from an early stage.

The next project meeting is likely to take place in autumn 2018, in Amsterdam, where project partners will meet again to showcase their achievements. Until then, stay ANIMA-ted and get the latest news about the project via our newly launched website: www.anima-project.eu.

For further information or enquiries about the ANIMA project, please visit www.anima-project.eu or contact Ms. Pinar Temel: pinar.temel@erdyn.fr or Ms. Kubra Zengin: kubra.zengin@erdyn.fr.

This project has received funding from ‘Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union’ under grant agreement No. 769627.

2018-04-04T10:02:41+02:00mercredi 4 avril 2018|Non classifié(e)|

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